Questions to Ask
Asking great questions is the foundation for gathering honest, unbiased franchise information. As discussed in The Educated Franchisee, in order to gather great franchise information, you need to ask questions of yourself, the franchisor and the franchisees. This will allow you to gain the best franchise information and know whether or not a franchise is a great match for you.
The downloadable lists of questions are by no means complete. You will need to customize each list to the situation. All the franchise information you need is there for you if are willing to ask the right questions and listen carefully to the answer. By using these questions, you will be able to gather the franchise information you need and thereby make an educated decision.
Tools to Help You Gather Great Franchise Information
Questions To Ask Yourself
This is a starter list of questions you should ask yourself before you enter into a franchise agreement. Many of the questions on this list follow the thoughts found in The Educated Franchisee – Part I. You may also want to consider acquiring The Franchisee Workbook to further assist you in self exploration. Download Now
Questions To Ask Franchisors
This is a starter list of questions you should ask franchisors before you enter into a franchise agreement. You can use this as a starting point but should add franchisor and industry specific questions as you seek to expand the franchise information. Download Now
Questions To Ask Franchisees
This is a starter list of questions you should ask franchisees before you enter into a franchise agreement. You can use this list as a starting point but should expand and customize it to fit the franchisee you are speaking with. Chapter 11 in The Educated Franchisee discusses how to gather great franchise information from franchisees. You may want to refer to Chapter 11 before beginning your franchisee calls. Download Now
There is nothing more important than high quality franchise information to make great decisions. Let these questions help you gather the franchise information you need.