The King & I A few days ago I watched a TV show on Arnold Palmer. He was quite a man. As we all know, Arnold Palmer has earned the moniker ‘The King’ in golf circles. He has a soft spoken way that is both endearing and powerful. However, what Arnold and Winnie Palmer have accomplished outside of golf is just as impressive. Achievements include – Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies, Arnold Palmer Prostrate Center, Arnies Army Battles Prostrate Cancer, AP Pavilion and the Winnie Palmer Nature Preserve. Why am I mentioning this?
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Climbing a Mountain – One Step at a Time Many years ago I listened to an interview of a well known author. As the interview progressed one of the questions had to do with writers block. The interviewer wanted to know what special things the writer did to reinvigorate his creative juices. ‘Do you kayak, hike, watch a sunset, …. Where to you find inspiration?” The author’s answer was insightful. “I find inspiration by doing. I sit down at the typewriter and begin writing. Inspiration is not found on the top of a mountain, it is found through good, old
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